Text For Concept Map (Which will be posted later...)

People in favor of hunting believe that it will initially cut down on the animal population.  Without the opportunity of hunting there would be a ton more animals compared to humans.  Some fear that they could eventually take over.   It is also a great source of healthier meat and food.  Being up early will also give a person the chance to enjoy the beautiful view points and the exquisite scenery.  Many also hunt for the recreational sport aspect and for the big “trophy,” which results in who has the biggest antlers or head over the fireplace.  Hunting can also be very productive and a wonderful form of exercise.


Those against hunting would beg to differ.  They believe it to be morally wrong and a tough way of violence.  Hunters usually go for the healthiest animals and not the weakest or sick ones, which can be contradicting.  Killing the healthy ones wouldn’t help the animal population at all; it seems that it would kill the animal off completely.  It seems to be cruel and may have negative effects on the creatures.  They may become stressed because of all of the loud noises and always on the watch for a hunter with a gun.  They may also face a slow and suffering death, if injured and not killed, like target practice.  Hunting also destroys a stable habitat with strong family ties to a specific environment and predators around.

 In conclusion, I personally think that it is a persons right to choose to hunt or not to hunt.  I believe that if they are hunting for food and not just for the sport of the game then that is just fine.  I'm not the type to go out and shoot an animal but it's a right that people do have.  Nobody can truly tell if the population would be in danger if hunting was outlawed.  I don't think that is a great example for the pros of hunting because nobody knows!  One of the pros that I believe to be a great example would be that hunting your own game is a whole lot healthier.  Who knows what they are feeding us in the grocery store these days!  Many also say that is causes stress and fear on animals but yet we can build homes on their property and that's ok?  I don't think so!    All and all I don't know what side I would choose.  I'm not a fan of hunting, eating wild game and I defiantly do not like the attitudes of many hunters.  But I do believe that if somebody is hunting for their own food for them and or their family and will put good use to the fur then that is just fine with me, it's a basic human right that we still have! 

Submitted by Rachel Glover on Wed, 06/06/2007 - 2:54pm. Rachel Glover's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version